Meet our mentor and number one metal supplier



Erno Ovari: Leading Expert in Fine Sheet Metal Architectural Applications



Erno Ovari is a distinguished authority in fine sheet metal architectural applications, globally recognized for his unmatched expertise and dedicated commitment to his field.


Born in Gyula, Hungary in 1971, Erno’s journey began as a gifted swimmer. His formative years were defined by discipline, splitting time between schooling and training. At 14, faced with a choice between a career in swimming and pursuing a trade, he followed his father’s advice and embarked on an apprenticeship with Hungary’s premier sheet metal crafting company.

This apprenticeship, involving alternating weeks of education and hands-on training, provided Erno with four years of comprehensive experience. After fulfilling his military service, he pursued further mastery in Germany for four more years, honing his skills and adapting to new surroundings.


Erno’s dedication led him to Master School, an intensive four-year program covering business, law, instructor training, technique, and hands-on practice. Achieving the esteemed Meisterbrief certification, Erno’s dedication and exceptional scores solidified his reputation as a master craftsman.

Over a decade of post-graduate education and numerous certifications positioned Erno as an influential figure across Europe. Serving seven years on Munich’s board of building inspectors, Erno upheld stringent regulations while evaluating a range of architectural projects.


With expertise spanning traditional and modern projects, Erno’s skills are as versatile as they are comprehensive. His meticulous attention to detail and passion for craftsmanship have earned him a place on the national registry as one of the select elite.


Now settled in the United States, Erno brings 25 years of experience to his work. He is the author of two technical books for metal roofing specialists and continues to contribute to reputable industry publications. Erno’s work has been recognized with numerous awards and distinctions from global entities.


As an instructor for VM Zinc, Erno shares his expertise through seminars and consultations worldwide. His enduring commitment to his craft has made him a respected authority in the field of fine sheet metal architectural applications.

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